test don't guess

case studies & blog

Your number one resource for all things functional lab testing. We are chatting case studies, details about all the different labs available to unlicensed practitioners, educational courses, business tips and so much more!

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On the Air

The Test Don't Guess Podcast

Through interviews with practitioners, lab experts and course creators, you'll learn how your colleagues are using gut, hormone, mold, mineral testing and more to confidently work with clients and grow your practice!

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Courses & Apps

Analyzing, interpreting and utilizing functional lab testing doesn't need to be so confusing. That's why I have created courses and apps for practitioners just like you!

tell me more

Enneagram 3, excel-sheet-lover who is obsessed with helping practitioners just like you 

Hey friend, I'm Jensen! I'm an FNTP, Course Creator, App Developer and total data-nerd ready to help you move the mark in your practice through functional lab testing. 

About me

Ready to grow your practice in less than one month?!

You'll learn: How to confidently use the most affordable functional lab as a baseline test for EVERY client. 

HTMA can impact the effectiveness of your client protocols and practice growth!

yes, I'm in!

Get started with this free
on-demand class now!


Follow along on IG for more lab testing info, case studies, and fellow practitioner humor
